Expansion to NPC systems and player stats (v0.11)

  • Expanded the codebase to allow for easy adding of more NPCs with dialogue and unique behaviors. One WIP NPC has been added using the new system.
  • Added a new HUD element in the form of a beating heart to represent the player's health and panic state. It looks decayed the more damage you've taken, and beats faster the more panicked you are. Panic currently has no effect.
  • Fixed several dialogue bugs.

Coming next, The player needs more things to do. There are a few things I plan on solving this.

First will be an overarching goal. Each character you meet will have a quest that you have the option of fulfilling. Once fulfilled, they will give a reward of some kind, such as story conclusions, items, relation increase with companions, etc..

Second, I want to expand the level with more points of interest for greater visual and thematic variety. Players also will have many more items to find and use, things that grant new abilities or that can be used on other characters, including your primary companion. Some characters will desire certain items, others will be repulsed by them. Tools, consumables. Weapons? Perhaps all of the above. We'll see what I get finished first.

That's all for this time and thanks for reading. The update is out now, If you're interested at all please try it and tell me what you think, any and all feedback (including negative!) is greatly appreciated.

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